Why tall women don't like to be tall

Why Tall Women Don't Always Love Being Tall: A Tall Tale by Cammy

Hey there, fabulous readers! It’s Cammy, your favorite tall girl, here to share some real talk about the ups and downs of being vertically gifted. While being tall comes with its perks, there are also plenty of reasons why some tall women don’t always love towering above the rest. So, let’s dive into the quirky, sometimes comical reasons why being tall isn’t always as glamorous as it seems. Ready to laugh (and maybe commiserate) with me? Let’s go!

1. The Never-Ending Quest for Clothes That Fit

Let’s start with a classic tall-girl struggle: finding clothes that fit. Shopping can be an epic quest worthy of its own adventure movie. Pants that are long enough? Rare. Cute dresses that don’t look like mini-skirts? Even rarer. And don’t get me started on the frustration of trying on a “one size fits all” outfit that clearly doesn’t include tall people in that equation. Fashion designers, if you’re listening, please help a tall girl out!

2. Constant Comments About Our Height

“Oh wow, you’re tall!” “Do you play basketball?” “How’s the weather up there?” If I had a dollar for every time I heard one of these comments, I’d be able to afford custom-tailored clothes. It’s not that we don’t appreciate the attention, but after a while, these remarks get old. Can we talk about something else, like our favorite books or the latest Netflix series?

3. The Awkwardness of Group Photos

Group photos are a tall girl’s nightmare. Do we crouch down and look like we’re trying to hide? Do we stand tall and risk blocking everyone else? Or do we hover awkwardly at the back, hoping the photographer has a panoramic lens? No matter what we choose, there’s always some level of photo awkwardness involved. At least we’re easy to spot, right?

4. The Trials of Public Transportation

Buses, planes, trains—none of them are designed with tall women in mind. Legroom? Nonexistent. Headroom? A cruel joke. Sitting in a middle seat on an airplane is our version of purgatory. We’re the ones awkwardly contorting our bodies to avoid invading our neighbor’s personal space. Next time you see a tall person on a plane, give them a sympathetic nod. We’re all in this cramped struggle together.

5. Finding Shoes in Larger Sizes

Shoe shopping should be a joyous occasion, but for tall women, it can be a bit of a Cinderella nightmare. Finding cute shoes in larger sizes is like searching for a needle in a haystack. And when we do find them, they’re often the last pair and usually not in the color we wanted. Here’s to the tall girls rocking those size 11s with pride!

6. The Art of Hugging

Hugging is an art form for tall women. Do we bend down to hug our shorter friends? Do we do the awkward side hug? Or do we just stand there and let them figure it out? And dating someone shorter? It’s a whole new level of hugging acrobatics. Let’s just say we’ve become experts at adapting to all sorts of hugging scenarios.

7. Fitting Into Bathtubs and Beds

Relaxing in a bathtub should be a blissful experience, but for tall women, it often means knees up to our chin and half our body out of the water. And beds? Unless it’s a king-size, we’re hanging off the edge like an awkward giraffe. Cozying up in bed shouldn’t feel like playing a game of Twister.

8. Being Asked to Reach Things

We’re happy to help, but being the go-to person for reaching things on high shelves can get tiring. At the grocery store, at home, at work—if there’s something out of reach, we’re called in to save the day. It’s like having a superpower we never asked for. “Up, up, and away” takes on a whole new meaning.

9. The Stares and Glares

Standing out in a crowd has its pros and cons. On the one hand, we’re easy to spot and hard to lose. On the other hand, we’re constantly aware of people staring at us. It’s like being a celebrity without the paparazzi. Sometimes, we just want to blend in and go unnoticed, but our height has other plans.

10. The Relentless Search for Height-Compatible Furniture

Finding furniture that fits our height is another challenge. Desks that don’t require us to hunch over, chairs that support our long legs, and beds that don’t leave our feet dangling off the end are all on our wish list. We dream of a world where furniture shopping doesn’t feel like we’re Goldilocks trying to find the “just right” fit.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it—some of the reasons why tall women don’t always love being tall. It’s a mix of practical challenges, social awkwardness, and a never-ending quest for clothes and shoes that fit. But despite all this, we learn to embrace our height with humor and grace. Because at the end of the day, being tall is just one part of who we are.

Until next time, keep laughing, loving, and living life to the fullest—no matter your height!

Cheers, Cammy