Tall women celebrities

 Standing Tall: Celebrating Our Celebrity Amazonian Sisters

Hello there! Cammy here, your friendly neighborhood tall girl. Towering above the average at almost 6', I've learned to embrace the view from up here – despite the occasional head bonk on low-hanging chandeliers and the perpetual struggle of finding jeans that don’t resemble capris. But hey, every inch counts, right?

Today, let's raise a glass (probably best if it's on a tall shelf) to our fellow towering queens who rock the limelight. These celebrity amazons remind us that height is not just a number, but a fabulous asset.

1. Gwendoline Christie: The Knight in Shining Armor

Let's start with the fierce and fabulous Gwendoline Christie. At a glorious 6'3", she brought Brienne of Tarth to life on Game of Thrones, proving that women can be both warriors and graceful swans. Gwendoline’s height wasn’t just an advantage in combat scenes; it also helped her look down on Tormund Giantsbane in that special, swoon-worthy way. Trust me, having someone gaze up at you with adoration is a perk of the tall life that never gets old.

2. Brooke Shields: The Original Supermodel

Brooke Shields, standing tall at 6'0", has been gracing our screens and magazines since she was a teen. From The Blue Lagoon to countless Calvin Klein ads, Brooke's height has always added an extra layer of elegance and allure. And let's not forget her role in Suddenly Susan, where she proved that even in the 90s, a tall girl could rock both high fashion and high drama. Plus, she's living proof that if you're tall enough, no one can see the occasional fashion faux pas you might have at your feet.

3. Taylor Swift: The Leggy Pop Queen

At 5'11", Taylor Swift is another shining beacon for tall girls everywhere. Not only does she dominate the charts, but she also dominates the red carpet with those endless legs. She's famous for turning personal experiences into hit songs, so maybe someday she'll release a track called "High Heels and Higher Hopes" or "Tall Girls Do It Better." One can dream, right?

4. Sigourney Weaver: The Sci-Fi Queen

Sigourney Weaver, towering at 6'0", has been busting aliens and stereotypes for decades. As Ripley in the Alien franchise, she showed that height isn’t just for runway models but also for kicking extraterrestrial butt. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to look down at a Xenomorph and say, “Get away from her, you...” well, you know the rest.

5. Maria Sharapova: The Tennis Titan

Standing at 6'2", Maria Sharapova serves up a powerful reminder that height can be a major advantage in sports. With her incredible reach and agility, she’s made a name for herself on tennis courts around the world. And let's not forget her iconic grunt – proof that sometimes, being heard is just as important as being seen.

6. Charlize Theron: The Silver Screen Goddess

Charlize Theron, at a statuesque 5'10", has graced us with performances that are as towering as her height. From Mad Max: Fury Road to Atomic Blonde, she brings a powerful presence to every role. And let's be honest, in heels, she can probably see into the future. I mean, that’s how height works, right?

7. Elizabeth Debicki: The Rising Star

Last but certainly not least, Elizabeth Debicki stands at an impressive 6'3". She's taken Hollywood by storm with roles in The Great Gatsby, Widows, and Tenet. Her height adds an air of grace and mystery, making her performances unforgettable. And trust me, she's the only one who doesn’t need a ladder to change the curtains.

Embrace Your Height

So, my fellow tall girls, let’s stand tall and proud like these incredible women. Remember, height isn’t something to hide – it’s something to flaunt. Whether we’re strutting down a red carpet or just reaching the top shelf at the grocery store, we’re turning heads and breaking necks (figuratively, of course).

Here’s to the long legs, the high heels, and the endless confidence that comes with being a tall girl in a world that’s starting to look up.

Yours sky-high, Cammy