Why it's good to be a tall girl

Embracing My Height: Why Being a Tall Girl Rocks (with a Touch of Humor)

Hey there! I’m Cammy, and I’m not just tall—I’m a statuesque almost 6ft tall. And you know what? Being a tall girl is pretty awesome. Let me share with you why I think so, sprinkled with a bit of humor along the way.

1. The View from Up Here

First off, the world looks different from up here. Literally! I get a bird’s-eye view of concerts, crowded events, and my friends in a sea of people. It’s like having built-in VIP access wherever I go. Plus, I can spot my friends in a crowd without even trying. Handy, right?

2. Long Legs, Don’t Care

Let’s talk about legs. Mine happen to go on for days, and you know what? I flaunt them shamelessly. Skirts, shorts, jeans—you name it, I wear it. And heels? Oh, they’re not just a fashion statement; they’re a power move. Who needs a step stool when you’ve got killer confidence and legs that could rival a supermodel’s?

3. The Weather Up Here

Ah, the weather jokes. I’ve heard them all: “How’s the weather up there?” “Do you play basketball?” Nope, I don’t, but I could probably grab that top shelf item for you without breaking a sweat. And hey, being tall means I never lose my friends at a concert, and I make an excellent navigator in crowds. Practical skills, people!

4. Breaking Stereotypes

Being tall breaks stereotypes, and I love challenging people’s expectations. Tall girls can be elegant, fierce, and yes, even goofy. We defy norms simply by being ourselves. Plus, who doesn’t love seeing heads turn when you walk into a room?

5. Life’s Little Ironies

There are some hilarious perks to being tall. Like when I accidentally knock things over with my elbows because my arms are like giraffe necks. Or when people assume I’m good at sports just because of my height (spoiler alert: I’m not). Embracing these quirks makes life interesting and keeps me laughing.

6. Confidence Booster

Being tall has taught me to stand tall—literally and figuratively. Confidence isn’t about shrinking yourself to fit in; it’s about owning every inch of who you are. It’s about strutting your stuff with pride and embracing what makes you unique. Tall girls? We’re walking reminders that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and heights.

So here’s to us tall girls—embracing our height, rocking those heels, and laughing at life’s little quirks along the way. Because being tall isn’t just about physical stature; it’s about standing tall in a world that’s constantly changing.

Keep reaching for the stars (and that top shelf snack),
